The village is looking spick and span once again having benefited from the small dedicated team of six volunteers who cleared the verges of litter last Saturday. The persistent rain was not ideally timed to support the operation but failed to dampen the enthusiasm of the team who cleared the length of Abbe’s Walk and Grange Lane.
The usual motley collection of discarded sweet wrappers, bottles and tin cans were joined on this occasion by a light bulb and a mobile phone. Clearly we have some frustrated travellers passing through Burghwallis who thought we might need these but the light bulb was not even an eco-friendly low energy version and the phone looked like it had several thousand hours on the clock so a bit of a letdown really. But the team manged to amass 15 bin bags of rubbish and also a bookshelf.
Little and often is the maxim for clearing rubbish. The recent verge mowing revealed just how much rubbish can be hidden by the growing grass. The ongoing council cutbacks means they are relying more on villages collecting their own litter although they do collect the outcome of the exercise. If you see any rubbish the team of volunteers would appreciate your help if you could relocate it to a rubbish bin. It’s a never ending process, 30 minutes after Grange Lane was completely cleared a polystyrene McDonald’s pack, two bottles and an interesting but clearly unwanted part of a cars dashboard appeared.