Cuttings from the ‘Doncaster Gazette’
1924 Nov.28th ‘Vanishing Debt – A company of about eighty attended a dance at the Church Hall on Friday night, promoted with the object of helping to wipe out the debt on the hall. It is expected to raise about £5’
[Doncaster Gazette]
1924 Dec.5th ‘In Fancy Dress – Mr & Mrs O W Baines were the first prize winners at a Fancy Dress Ball on Tuesday night. The Ball was arranged by a Campsall party for the Church Hall funds, and was very successful.’ [Doncaster Gazette]
1927 Public Elementary school (mixed) approximately 45 children; Mrs Scott
1927 July 29th ‘BURGHWALLIS Electric light was used in the village for the first time last week. Many houses are connected and the new service appears to give satisfaction. Current is supplied from Bullcroft colliery.’ [Doncaster Gazette 1927 July 29th]
‘Loss to Cricket Club – A Whist Drive and Dance was held in the Church Hall last Friday in aid of the Cricket Club, 24 tables being occupied for whist. About 200 attended the dance. Captain J C Petherick, (President) said ‘Goodbye’ to the Rector and Mrs Sharpe, who are leaving the parish, and spoke of the interest they had always shown in the Cricket Club. He expressed regret at the departure of such good friends. About eleven o’clock the electric light failed owing to a tree falling across the main cable, but after a short delay lamps were borrowed from the village and dancing was continued.’