We recently published an article about the removal of ivy from the trees on Grange Lane. (Read article)
This has caused a bit of controversy with a resident of Burghwallis who wrote at some length (see comments on original article) to assert that ivy does not kill trees, providing instead a beneficial habitat for wild life.
The Parish Council stands by its original decision to remove the ivy, the contractor involved being paid from the residual funds following the closing down of the Events Committee. The Lane now stands proud with the individual trees lining the road resplendent in their full natural glory, as the individual specimens that they are, rather than a vertical structure draped in a dense green cloak of ivy.

There will inevitably be some discussion on the pros and cons of ivy. The Council has followed the advice given by Gardening Know How as detailed below:
Gardening Know How:
Q. Removing ivy from trees.
A. A particularly tricky thing to do is to remove ivy from trees. Many people wonder if ivy will damage trees. The answer is yes, eventually. Ivy damages the bark as it climbs and will eventually overtake even a mature tree, weakening branches through its weight and preventing light from penetrating leaves. Weakened plants and trees are more susceptible to problems like pests or disease. It is best to remove the ivy from the tree and keep it away from the trunk of the tree, at least 3 to 4 feet, to prevent it from climbing the tree again.
Read more at Gardening Know How: Tips For How To Kill English Ivy https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/groundcover/english-ivy/kill-english-ivy.htm
2 comments on “Tree Maintenance Update”
I have read with some concern your action taken against native ivy growing on the local trees around the village. Frankly i am astonished that you have used advice gleaned from Gardening Know How as the basis for this ridiculous action. In reference to your original post i was appalled in the almost childlike way you attempted to justify this attack on the plant, claiming it to be a parasite. The reference of grass infringing on borders also becoming an unsightly weed was almost comical! I would request you desist immediately in taking any further action and take some time to become better informed at the damage you are causing to an already fragile eco system. My advice to you is to seek professional advice in future and stop reading rubbish on the internet.
Being the Burghwallis resident who commented on the original Ivy Leaves Grange Lane post, I’m astonished the Parish Council took its professional/expert advice from an online blog. It would have been far more appropriate to take advice from real experts, the Woodland Trust or the Forestry Commission. What are the credentials of the advice Author? I have taken the time and trouble to find out.
The Gardening Know How site and the article to which you provided the link is run, and the article written by, Heather Rhoades, an American, living in Bedford City, Cleveland, Ohio whose Linked profile “About” post tells us:
“I have worked in the Internet Marketing field for many, many years now. I am the owner of a successful garden advice site, which was all I really wanted to do in life. All the things I love – gardening, internet marketing and making money from both. ;).
Her Specialties: PPC (Pay-per-click) management, SEO (search engine optimization), reputation management, email marketing, usability, PHP, WordPress, HTML, blogging, social media, gardening”.
Lesson – check the credentials of the person from whom you’re taking advice!
In addition, the Council’s response in terms of “trees lining the road resplendent in their full natural glory” is nonsense; firstly because in the original post it was identified the ivy remains in place until such time as it dies and falls away – so it’s still there and secondly, the emotive language used is suggesting ivy is not natural.
The complaint about biodiversity loss has not been addressed.
Perhaps the Council could further advise how its actions tie into the Burghwallis Neighbourhood Plan.
I draw attention to Policy GE3 Survival of important habitats and species. Unless of course the measures under this Policy objective will ONLY relate to developers rather than actions of the Parish Council?
To achieve GE3 objective, measures will include:
1. Take ongoing action to avoid biodiversity losses
2. Restoration of areas damaged by development
3. Fund surveys to identify and record area of biodiversity value
4.Promote the understanding of the need to protect habitats and species
I particularly like Policy GE3, Measure 4 and suggest the Parish Councillors may consider attending courses on biodiversity and ecosystems to understand the negative impact of its actions.
Policy D1Requiring High Quality Design in Burghwallis.
Measures will include:
3. Protecting natural assets, and enhancing the natural environment and biodiversity.
I wonder do Parish Councillors recall what the Neighbourhood Plan says?
The damage has been done and can’t be undone but I trust the Parish Council Members will be careful in future, seek professional opinion before taking action, better inform its Members on the subject matter and not proceed until an issue has been fully researched.