The Burghwallis pub was the setting for the annual pensioners Christmas Lunch.
Covid restrictions last year knocked the lunch arrangements for six. But undaunted the ever-resourceful parish council then organized an alternative approach. The “experiment” last year saw the lunches being delivered to the recipients’ homes. This year with unbelievable timing before any further restrictions came in we were once again able to meet in person to enjoy the lunch in The Burghwallis.
A total of 27 local pensioners assembled for the feast, which was up to its usual standard, and enjoyed by all those present. A further three lunches were taken to the homes of those not able to attend in person.
The lunch is funded by the income from the Poor’s Field, covenanted to be spent for the benefit of pensioners who live in the village.
Entertainment was provided by Alan, in the form of a light-hearted musical quiz, which had most people baffled to some degree – but not all!
The usual raffle produced an additional income of over £130, with some tables threatening to collapse under the weight of the prizes.
A big thank you is due to Jill Laming for organizing and to Sally and her team at The Burghwallis for the preparation and serving of the meal.
It is hoped that by this time next year, we will have seen the last of restrictions on social activities, and we can return to normal, whatever that might be.