Home / Meetings / Parish Council Ordinary meeting Minutes – Tuesday 14th May 2024

Parish Council Ordinary meeting Minutes – Tuesday 14th May 2024


In Attendance:                                   Chairman                    D Maxwell

                                               Councillor                    B Grimes

                                               Councillor                    S Slack                                                                                  Councillor                    J Wilson

                                               Councillor                    C Mcllroy

                                               Clerk                           J Halsall

Chairman’s opening remarks and Declarations of interest.

  1. Apologies for absence


  • Minutes of the meeting held on 16th April 2024

RESOLVED that the minutes be signed. 

  • Matters arising from the minutes.
  •   Repairs to the War memorial & Notice board are waiting to be completed.
  • Financial Matters

400454 £102.80 HMR&C Clerk salary April, May & June

400455 £490.60 J Halsall Clerk salary April, May & June

400456 £665.08 Clear Annual Insurance

400457 £200.00 Transfer to Playing field account for maintenance fees.

400458 £35.20 J Halsall Stamps

Bank Statement & accounts reconciliation circulated.

RESOLVED that the accounts be approved, cheques and bank statement signed.

  • Planning

Nothing to report.

  • Correspondence

Community Engagement Meeting – Monday 20th May Councillors Slack and Maxwell will attend.

D-Day 80 – Parish council are not doing any celebrations.  British Legion will lay a wreath on or around 6th June at the cenotaph.

Some of the Village Flags have been damaged and need replacing.  Some are old and frayed. Councillor Maxwell to check the state of all flags currently held in store.

Hedges on Scorcher Hills Lane need trimming back and growth needs cutting back on Burghwallis Lane near the village sign.  This will be done when the weather is drier.

  • Website

All up to date.

Currently looking into accessing the .gov.uk website details.                        Action JH

  • Next Meeting

The next meeting to be held at The Burghwallis Public House commencing at 7pm.

Tuesday 25th June 2024

Tuesday 6th August 2024

Tuesday 17th September 2024

Tuesday 29th October 2024

Tuesday 10th December 2024

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.15pm.

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