In Attendance: Chairman D Maxwell
Councillor B Grimes
Councillor J Wilson
Councillor S Slack
Clerk J Halsall
Chairman’s opening remarks and Declarations of interest.
- Apologies for absence
Councillor A Welke
RESOLVED – Absence accepted
- Minutes of the meeting held on 22nd October 2024
RESOLVED that the minutes be signed.
- Matters arising from the minutes.
- Repairs to the War memorial have been completed
- Repairs to the notice board are waiting to be completed.
- Fly tipping is reported regularly. Councillor Grimes does a regular litter pick on areas of the village and reports any large fly tipping. Councillor Slack does the same for The Abbe’s Walk. No big problems at the moment.
- Christmas Tree – Is to be decorated this Saturday 14th December.
- Christmas Lunch was agreed for 12th December. 22 people booked to attend. Raffle and prizes have been arranged.
- Yellow Lines near the junction with the War Memorial have been requested. This will be investigated by Doncaster Council.
- A Street sign was requested on the cul-de-sac ‘The Abbes Close’ private land residents would have to pay if they require a sign. Current satnav technology means identification of the road is not now a problem, so it was decided not to pursue.
- Various potholes have been reported.
- Woodland Trust are wanting to send free trees again. Currently no need for any more trees this year.
- VE Flag – it was decided not to buy a flag for VE day, but new village flags were needed
RESOLVED to buy new ones.
- Financial Matters
400470 – Clerk Salary £678
400471 – HMR&C £150
400472 – Stationery £20.40
400473 – War Memorial repairs £310
400474 – Playingfield t/fer £150
400475 – TSOHOST Website £9.54
400476 – Burghwallis Christmas lunch
400477 – Bench Plaque £22
Bank Statement & accounts reconciliation circulated.
RESOLVED that the accounts be approved, cheques and bank statement signed.
2025/26 – Budget was circulated and agreed at 5% for the following year. An increase of £347 PA.
Internal Auditor was approved as Mr Bosman as per last year.
- Planning
24/02095/TCON – 6 Abbes Walk – Tree maintenance.
24/02057/FUL – 79 Grange Lane – Single storey extension
No objections received.
- Correspondence
All Circulated
A reduction in bus services in the village was reported.
Trees and branches were reported on Abbes Walk causing power lines to go out. Some trees look dead near Squirrel wood.
RESOLVED to contact Doncaster council to investigate
The Next community engagement meeting is to be held on 27th January 2025 at Woodlands Library commencing at 6pm.
- Website
Up to date
- Next Meeting
The next meeting to be held at The Burghwallis Public House commencing at 7pm.
Tuesday 18th March 2025
Tuesday 13th May (Election year)
There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.10pm.