Dear Councillors
The next meeting of the Burghwallis Parish Council will be held on
Tuesday 18th April 2023 commencing at 7pm at Burghwallis Public house.
Members of the Council are summonsed to attend this meeting. Meetings are open to the press and public except where specified under the Local Government Act. The press and public may not speak when the Council is in session.
15 minutes will be allowed at the beginning of the meeting for the Chairman to invite members of the public who wish to speak to do so.
Chairman’s Opening remarks and declarations of interest not previously declared.
- To receive and approve any absences.
- To confirm the minutes of the meeting held previously.
- To decide on any further actions from the minutes. – War memorial Wall Repairs – Tree Planting – Bus Service
- To Consider any Financial Matters
- Reimbursement of councillor expenses
- Bank Statement approval
- Other payments for approval
- To Consider any matters concerning planning.
- To Consider any matters concerning Correspondence received – Fly Tipping
- To consider any matters concerning the Website
- Date & Venue of the Next meeting.
Yours sincerely
Ms Joanne Halsall