In Attendance: Chairman D Maxwell
Councillor D Hudson
Councillor J Laming
Councillor B Grimes
Councillor J Job
Clerk J Halsall
Chairman’s opening remarks and Declarations of interest
- Apologies for absence
- Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 12th April 2022
RESOLVED that the minutes be signed.
- Matters arising from the minutes
- Speed issues – Not enough accidents in the village to warrant any further help from DMBC. The Parish council is unable to fund a VAS Vehicle Activated Sign.
- Queens Jubilee – All ongoing. The Jubilee flag would fly from Thursday 2nd to Sunday 5th June 2022
- Financial Matters
400377 £444 DMBC Playground repairs
400378 £451.29 Clerk Salary April, May & June
400379 £97.20 HMR&C April, May & June
400380 £65 Mr Bosmans Internal Audit
400381 Cancelled
400382 £180 JM Scott Playing field maintenance
400383 £80 DMPayroll Services
400384 £66.80 YLCA Training
400385 £10.11 Mr Hudson expenses
RESOLVED that the accounts payable be approved and the cheques and bank statement signed.
- Insurance quotes were received and discussed
RESOLVED to accept a 3-year deal with BHIB at £590.77 per year.
- Financial Regulations & Standing orders were all updated
- Vexatious Policy & Complaints Policy
RESOLVED to accept and approve new policies.
- Planning
Nothing to report
- Playing Field/Pinfold
A DMBC report for repairs on the slide on the Playground had been received after a recent park inspection
RESOLVED for works to be completed
- Poor’s Land
Nothing to Report
- Correspondence
Emails & Letters all circulated & dealt with accordingly.
Meeting Room Venue – A discussion took place with regards to holding meetings in a different venue/location. Various costs and enquiries have been made for alternative premises. Attending meetings outside the village would be impossible for residents that cannot drive with the bus service stopping around 7pm being a small village.
The church in the village is currently having roof repairs and is currently closed; however, this does not have any facilities to hold a meeting as it is too small with no area for tables & Chairs
The meeting room at the Burghwallis is a separate meeting room to the public house with a closed bar. No alcohol/refreshments are allowed to be consumed whilst the meeting is in progress
RESOLVED to stay at the Burghwallis pub as there is no other suitable venue.
It was reported on Lady Gap Lane, Public Right of Way, needs the hedgerow cutting back as this was difficult to pass.
It was reported the hedgerow recently removed was not an ancient hedgerow.
- Website
A few minor “glitches” have been sorted. A new TAB would be requested to upload the Councils Policy Documents for easy access.
- Next Meeting
The next meeting to be held at The Burghwallis Public House commencing at 7.30pm.
Tuesday 5th July 2022
Tuesday 16th August 2022
Tuesday 27th September 2022
Tuesday 8th November 2022
Tuesday 13th December 2022
There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.55pm.