In Attendance: Chairman D Maxwell
Councillor D Hudson
Councillor J Laming
Councillor B Grimes
Clerk J Halsall
4 x Residents
A discussion took place with regards to the Management and running of the Poor’s Land Charity. Meetings of the Poor’s Land trustees are suspended until further notice.
A request to investigate on The Abbe’s Walk why a clearing of hedges and trees has been chopped down.
An offer of any help in the village was received from 2 residents.
Chairman’s opening remarks and Declarations of interest
- Apologies for absence
Councillor Jessica Job – Approved
- Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 8th March 2022
RESOLVED that the minutes be signed.
- Matters arising from the minutes
- Speed issues –A reply received from SY Police as they cannot attend. Speeding in the village is not a high priority road. Speed bumps were discussed when DMBC came out to inspect for a potential VAS (Vehicle Activated Sign) this was dismissed due to the road being on a bus route. Norton has a much larger precept and is therefore able to fund such signs.
- Great British Spring Clean – This had a good response with 2 days of litter picks. A thank you from DMBC was received.
- Queens Jubilee – A series of events are being organised for Sunday, 5th June, based around The Burghwallis pub and the Playing Field, by a group of residents led by Craig Oddy (pub) and Sam O’Brien (Playing Field). The use of the Playing Field for the event has been approved by the Trustees. Any insurance requirements not covered by our own policy will be covered by that of the event organiser.
- Discussions took place regarding possible events on the Playing Field. 100 Free Children Packs for the day had been requested. It is hoped that some local companies will provide stalls/demonstrations. A message has been sent to the Scouts to ascertain any interest from them, but, as yet, no reply has been received. Parking would be in the field managed by the farmer on Grange Lane/The Paddock.
- As yet no requests for any financial contribution from the Parish Council have been received. The intention is for the event to be self-funding (with some sponsorship arrangements being pursued) and any “profits” would be donated to the DEC Ukraine appeal.
- We need to clarify what “rules” or guidelines are in place for flying the Jubilee flag we have purchased.
- Financial Matters
400372 See 400370 Re issued cheque
400373 – £86.28 Flying Colours Flags
400374 – ££133 YLCA membership fees
400375 – £40 New gate sign
400376 – £150 YLCA Training
RESOLVED that the accounts payable be approved and the cheques and bank statement signed.
Year end accounts were circulated, approved and signed.
Parish Council Income & Expenditure under £25,000 are exempt from External audit
RESOLVED Burghwallis accounts are exempt, and forms submitted accordingly. Internal audit to be completed.
- Planning
22/00761/TCOM – Mr Oddy, The New Rectory, to remove a conifer – No objections raised.
- Playing Field/Pinfold
The costs for single emptying of the new bin are charged at £6.01 per visit. Clerk to contact DMBC to chase up when the new bin will be fitted.
- Poor’s Field
Nothing to Report
- Correspondence
Emails all circulated & dealt with accordingly.
- Meeting Room Venue – A discussion took place with regards to holding meetings in a Public House. There being no other meeting rooms available in the village, the consideration of virtual/zoom access was discussed. The current meeting room is a separate meeting room to the public house with a closed bar. No alcohol is allowed to be consumed in the meeting at any time. Attending meetings outside the village would be impossible for residents that cannot drive with the bus service stopping around 7pm.
RESOLVED to trial virtual/zoom access to the meetings. Councillor Jessica Job would help and set up the links
- Complaints – A lot of emails have been received with various enquiries and complaints. An email reply will be sent within 48 hours of receiving during weekdays. Any enquiries/complaints that require further investigation may take longer to complete.
- Facebook Page – A Facebook page run by the Parish Council was discussed but dismissed. Clerk would update the residents page with any notices.
- Future Priorities for the Village – The annual Chairman’s Report will be prepared for the next annual meeting in May and suggestions from other Councillors for items to be included in Future Priorities are invited for consideration.
- Website
The development of the new site is now complete. A few minor “glitches” are being sorted.
- Next Meeting
The next meeting to be held at The Burghwallis Public House commencing at 7pm.
Tuesday 24th May 2022 – AGM
There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.20pm.