After a delayed opening the new Doncaster Museum is set to open as soon as the lockdown disappears. This stylish new building cleverly engulfs the listed frontage of the old Doncaster High School for Girls. But the new museum has a wider role than the old museum it replaces. The new Gallery, Library and Museum is Doncaster’s new cultural and learning hub which is going virtual with a digital opening ceremony and online tour.

The Covid-19 pandemic has held the opening plans back and while the building can’t be physically opened just yet, you can have a good look round by going to on Wednesday, 17 March.
A range of dedicated films featuring insights from people who made the building possible will provide you with an interactive tour where you can dive into more detail when something grabs your attention.
You can get a close look at artefacts, collections and the fascinating spaces created from combining the wonderful elements of the former Doncaster High School for Girls and a modern, sleek design capable of providing truly world class services, exhibitions and enjoyment.
The Old Museum on Chequer Road is eventually to be the new home for the Doncaster Archives. At the moment the records are housed in an industrial unit as the previous site at King Edward Road, Balby was closed due to building faults. You can request information using the Archive website.