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Defibrillator Update

We are pleased to report that the community defibrillator has been  installed near the entrance to The Burghwallis pub. This provides a central location and can, to a degree, some added security. 

A sign of the times perhaps. The Defibrillator has to be secured in its box to prevent the lunatics in society who have in the past  stolen such equipment. Yes beggars belief. To access the defibrillator you will need to call 999 who will  give you a code to open the cabinet and liaise with you for ambulance assistance.

We are in the process of arranging full CardioPulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training for pub staff and  also anyone else who may be interested. We will let everyone know as soon as we have a date and time for this training.

The defibrillator is portable and can be collected from the storage cabinet and taken to the location of the casualty.

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