Data Protection

The following information describes how the parish council handles any data associated as part of the compliance with the General Data Protection regulation 2018.
The introduction of the above legislation in May 2018 has resulted in the Parish Council developing a range of policies and forms, in order to protect the personal data of our residents and other with whom we come into contact.
These documents are all on the Parish Council website, for information.
The Parish Council takes this matter very seriously and will take all steps to ensure that we comply with the legislation.
Dave Maxwell Chairman
August 2018
Click on the following to open and or download the information
Privacy Notice for Councillors and Clerk
This notice applies to Parish Councillors and staff (clerk) of Burghwallis Parish Council and relates to any data which the Council may hold and need to share with other data controllers, such as local and public authorities, government agencies, such as HMRC, and other bodies, such as payroll services suppliers in order to perform our duties and responsibilities.
Such data will be used lawfully, fairly and in a transparent way and only for valid purposes in connection with the activities of the Parish Council and in order to fulfil the responsibilities of the Council. Our data will only be shared with our consent, and will be kept up to date. Such data will be securely destroyed once there is no further need for it to be retained.
The data we may process includes names, titles, photographs, telephone numbers, addresses, email addresses, and other personal data as relevant. In the case of the Clerk, this may include National Insurance number, pay records, tax contributions etc, recruitment documentation, and any other information relevant to the employment of the Clerk.
In the case of the Clerk, the data may include sensitive personal data, which will be protected in the same manner as all other data.
All data in respect of Councillors and Clerks will only be kept for as long as it is relevant or required by agencies such as HMRC.
Councillors and Clerks have certain rights with respect to data held by us:
- At any point the Council can be contacted to request what personal data we hold as well as to ask why we have that personal data, who has access to the personal data and where we obtained the personal data from. Once we have received such a request we will respond within one month. There is normally no charge for such a request.
- If there are any changes to your personal data, it will be updated.
- Councillors/Clerks may request that personal data be destroyed if it is felt that we should no longerhold it. We will then destroy it, unless there is a valid legal reason why it should be retained.
- If there is a need to make a complaint about the Council’s keeping or handling of personal data, this can be done by contacting the Information Commissioners Office on 0303 123 1113, by post to the Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF,or via email at Date issue: August 2018
Subject Access Request Policy
Everyone has a right to request what data we hold about them. This can be achieved by contacting the Clerk to the Council in writing at the address below who is the person who holds and controls your data. A copy of your data may be held by other Parish Councillors, for the purposes of managing Parish Council activities.
The first thing we will do is verify that we hold data about you and that you are actually who you claim to be. This may be achieved by requesting that you can confirm a specific piece of information we already hold about you, or by providing us with a copy of some means of identification, e.g. passport, driving licence, utility or council tax bill.
If we are satisfied that you are who you say you are, then the information you have requested will be supplied in writing as soon as possible, but, in any case within one month. If that information is inaccurate and needs to be changed, for example, change of contact details, then our records will be updated, any other councillors who hold your data will be informed, and you will receive confirmation that we have taken the action requested.
We will also, at that stage, confirm why we hold that data, what we do with it and how long we need to hold the data for.
If at the end of this process, you request that we no longer hold your data, and we agree that there is no reason for us to continue to hold your data, we will destroy all our records relating to you, wherever they are held, and confirm to you that this has been done.
If there is any part of this process that you are not happy with, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office
Burghwallis Parish Council
Clerk to the Council,
Ms. Joanne Halsall
82, Heatherfields Crescent New Rossington DONCASTER
DN11 0TZ
General Data Protection Regulation 2018 Consent Form
From time to time we would like to communicate with you about the council and its activities. In order to do so, we need your consent. Please complete your details below and confirm your consent by signing the form and returning it to us. Forms can be returned to any of the Parish Councillors in person, or by post to our Parish Clerk: Ms Joanne Halsall, 82 Heatherfields Crescent, New Rossington, Doncaster, DN11 0TZ.
The information you provide will be held securely, will not be disclosed to any third parties, and will only be used to contact you in connection with Parish Council activities. You may ask us to delete your contact details from our records at any time, by contacting us at the above address.
We may wish to contact you concerning any of the activities listed below. Please indicate your consent by ticking the circles alongside each item.
o We may contact you about forthcoming public events being organised by the Parish Council, or others.
o We may contact you about specific activities, e.g. organised litter picks.
o We may use your name and/or photo in material published on our website, or on our notice board.
We may wish to contact you in any of the following ways. Please indicate your consent by ticking the circles alongside each item.
o By email
o By telephone using the number below
o By text, using your mobile number, if suppliedo By post
If you require any further information regarding our privacy policy, we can be contacted Our website address is
Name: Address:
Tel. No: (optional) Email: (optional) Signature:
…………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………. ……………………………………………………… ……………………………….