The elevation of Doncaster to city status has required a name change from Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council (DMBC) to city of Doncaster Council (CDC).
This will take a while to sink in especially if you are searching for information on Google etc. where the previous abbreviation of DMBC will appear more readily in the search until CDC becomes more wildly recognised. There is also the unfortunate prevalence of other councils with similar initials, e.g Colchester District Council etc. We have updated information on the Burghwallis website to reflect CDC as the ongoing abbreviation but accept the previous DMBC will pop up for some time to come.
Whilst we are on the subject of names the new format to the pub at the end of Abbé’s Walk has completed the circle of what goes round comes round. After approx seven changes of name and ownership in the past decades the new Italian restaurant has been (re) named Dario’s, which was its original name and that which most local people still referred to despite all the other incantations.
Dario’s Italian Restaurant
The new restaurant is owned by the Owston Hall Estate company so local knowledge and customer service will once again prevail.