One thing we can all be reassured of; Brexit will not come off the agenda until a pink pig flies across the horizon and people driving through the village will insist that we should be custodians of their litter. Strangely the litter-picking process is therapeutic. You get a strange buzz from clearing the rubbish and seeing a cleared verge – although you have to be quick before some anti-social moron chucks more rubbish.
The 22nd of August was celebrated by an elite team of eight from Burghwallis who combed the verges for tat and rubbish. They were not disappointed, maybe even thrilled by the collection of detritus bunged out of passing vehicles. As ever there was the obligatory donation of a pair of underwear, litter picking just wouldn’t be the same. Made it Italy this time, black in colour and of the boxer variety – just so we can keep the record straight.

The timing of this working group was chosen to follow the flail mower that had recently cut the verge. Double edged sword this; the rubbish is easy to see but severely modified by the flair mower. Tins are ripped apart, crisp packets shredded. Interesting things you also get to experience – Amaretto bottles are so heavy! Crisp packets always fill with water, KFC polystyrene cups are ripped into at least 10 component parts.
Six bags of rubbish were filled along Burghwallis Lane and seven bags collected along Burghwallis Road. It now all looks pristine apart from the new Macdonald’s cardboard cup dumped 10 minutes after the team finished.