By now you are probably aware a planning modification has been submitted concerning farm buildings along Abbe’s Walk. This will change the use of the previous permission to build agricultural storage sheds into a pig farm.
The article below, which appeared in the 18th April edition of the Doncaster Free Press gives a clear summary of the situation.
The parish council along with other residents and concerned members of the public have registered at least 68 objections at the last count to DMBC to oppose this development. There is still time for you to submit your thoughts and be included in the evidence before any final judgement is given by the planning application.
The technique of submitting an innocuous planning application only to subsequently submit a more contentious change of use application is well known. This ‘under the radar’ approach can be implied as a short circuit to gain approval.
We should be equally aware that the thoughts and wishes of local residents can be enhanced by a collective attendance at the planning meeting scheduled to determine the application. You are urged to monitor progress of the application by using the following link which will give you the latest update on the DMBC website.
http://Doncaster Planning Dept
Doncaster Free Press
4 comments on “Abbe’s Walk Pig Farm Planning Application”
please do not allow this to go ahead, this location is beautiful countryside surrounded by villages and people who use this area to walk, relax and enjoy the view, this development would cause increased traffic on already overloaded country roads this is proposed on a particularly narrow road and the risk to pedestrians injury would be greatky increased, also the smell could travel to close by homes .
Please do not let this go ahead !!!
It will spoil the countryside that is surrounded by this area of villages and schools
Health risks with the smell that could effect people /polluting the surrounding area
The increase of large lorry ‘s on these narrow lanes is a risk to others.
Please don’t allow this to go ahead ref 19/00651/FUL
There is a new planning application submitted August 2020 for the Pig Farm. And there appears to be appeals this time. Can anyone provide further information.
Thank you