Home / Meetings / Poor’s Land Annual Meeting Minutes – 14th May 2024

Poor’s Land Annual Meeting Minutes – 14th May 2024


Tuesday 14th May 2024 @THE BURGHWALLIS

In Attendance         

                                    Trustee           Councillor      B. Grimes     

Trustee           Councillor      D Maxwell

Trustee           Councillor      S Slack

Trustee           Councillor      C McIlroy

                 Also, in attendance        Councillor      J Wilson

                                                            Clerk               J. Halsall

  1. Elect a Chairman for the Poor’s Land Charity

Councillor Dave Maxwell was proposed as chairman.

RESOLVED Councillor Maxwell accepted.

  • Apologies for absence


  • Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 30th May 2023

RESOLVED none to be signed.

  • Financial Matters

There is £1,909.75 in the Poor’s Field account.

  • Charity Commission

Annual return to be completed later in the year when due.

  • General update on the field.

The field was now rented by Mr. & Mrs. Philips who are happy to take over the tenancy from Mr. Howels

   7.   To Consider any other matters

The new constitution is currently with the solicitor’s awaiting approval and completion.

The land registry for Poor’s Land – solicitors have been instructed to complete the land registry.

Meeting closed —-8.20pm

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