Home / Meetings / Annual Playingfield Minutes 24th May 2022

Annual Playingfield Minutes 24th May 2022

  1. Election of Chairman -Councillor Maxwell was proposed as Chairman by Councillor Hudson & Councillor Grimes

RESOLVED Councillor Maxwell Accepted and took the chair for the meeting

  • Apologies for absence


  • Minutes of the meeting held 12th April 2022

RESOLVED that the minutes be signed. 

  • Financial Matters

Application for an updated Bank account was completed.

  • Charities Commission

All updated

  • General update on condition of playingfield
  • Brambles – Councill Mr Hudson reported the brambles and shrubs needed to be trimmed back.  He would complete this.
  • Picnic Table – A picnic table was suggested and possibly placed at the wooded area of the field.
  • Consider any Matters on the Playing field
  • New Litter Bin – Clerk to contact DMBC to chase up when the new bin will be fitted.  Agreed to pay for emptying on demand.
  • Queens Jubilee – Discussions took place regarding events on the Playing Field.  This would all be self-funding.  Any monies raised would be donated to Ukraine
  • Playground – An inspection report has been received from DMBC advising of repairs needed to the slide.
  • Next Meeting

The next meeting to be held at The Burghwallis Public House commencing at 7.15pm.

Tuesday 5th July 2022

There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.35pm

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