We are sure that we don’t need to remind you all that in a few week’s time we will be marking the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty. In view of current developments this is joint exercise; recognising the Queens jubilee and a fund raising event where all money raised will be donated to the Ukrainian refugee crisis. Remember the date:
5th June 2022 starting at 1 pm

To mark this occasion, Burghwallis will be hosting the biggest event seen in the village for years.
On Sunday, 5th June, there will be a Party in the Park in the village Playing Field, where people can set out their picnics and enjoy a whole host of activities, including a Circus School, Dance activities led by Queen Elizabeard, Haribo sunflower making, Nail design and massage, a Fire show, a Flower Crown workshop, Crafts and activities, a Flash Mob, and many other stalls, together with live music. There is even an outdoor cinema!
As the Playing Field is adjacent to The Burghwallis pub, there is easy access to more live music and stalls, and, of course, the opportunity to obtain food and drink throughout the afternoon, though glasses will not be allowed to be taken into the Playing Field area.
Between the Playing Field and the pub, the small woodland area has been designated Paddington Wood, where there will be themed art and crafting activities and story telling. In this area there will also be a Peace and Wish tree, and a post box where people can leave messages of hope and support for refugees affected by the situation in Ukraine.
As the evening film concludes, candles and lanterns will be lit in a vigil for peace.
The films being shown are Paddington, in the afternoon, and Mary Poppins in the evening. Anyone wishing to watch the films must purchase a ticket in advance – none can be sold on the day.
The Paddington theme is particularly appropriate for Burghwallis, as it was in the village that one of the residents, Shirley Clarkson, first made toy Paddingtons for her children, Jeremy and Joanna in 1971, and then went on to make and sell them through her Gabrielle Designs business.
For more information, please visit the special website created for this event, where you can book tickets for the films at www.burghwallisjubilee.com.
Please come along, and bring your kids, of whatever age, enjoy a picnic and the entertainment, and help us to raise funds for donation to a charity supporting Ukrainian refugees.
We hope to see you there!