Sadly the roof of Burghwallis church has suffered a collapse, which means it is unsafe to open the church for public worship. As you see from the picture the roof tiles are unstable and there is considerable danger posed to anyone standing nearby. I have therefore taken the decision to close the churchyard to all visitors. The cremation plot has been fenced off as this area is most of risk.

I realise that this will be distressing news to many parishioners, particularly those who are regular worshippers and those who visit the graves of loved ones.
Saint Helen’s is a much loved and nationally significant building. The roof repairs are not covered by insurance and so the cost of the repair will need to be met by the parish church from its own resources.
Clearly, the church is likely to be closed for some time whilst repairs are undertaken. An initial assessment suggests that the whole roof will need to be replaced, which is quite a large undertaking. In the meantime, Services in the benefice – including weddings, baptisms and funerals will continue at St Mary Magdalene Church, Campsall. Please see the church noticeboard for details.
It is a timely reminder of the fragility of our Christian presence. The only long-term answer to maintaining an open church at Burghwallis is that it should be used regularly by the people of the parish. It is my hope that, once repairs have been completed and we are able to return to normal worship then you, the people of Burghwallis, will be able to show your support for the parish church.

Father Richard