Originally scheduled for April the much delayed Burghwallis litter picking exercise finally got underway today Saturday 12th September.
The volunteers, all 10 of them, were all in their 60’s 70’s and 80’s. As someone pointed out they were all from the generation that were taught from childhood never to drop litter. Today the team gathered up 30 bags of rubbish along The Abbe’s Walk, Burghwallis Road, Burghwallis Lane, and Grange Lane.
About 4 miles of country lanes were cleared of the usual and unusual detritus of modern society. Evidence of dynamic trends was the appearance of discarded face masks. Adding to these was the rubbish dumped by tradies in the building trade, it took 3 hours to clear. DMBC are due to follow the team such that collected rubbish should disappear later Saturday afternoon or Sunday. Then don’t hold your breath, the bogans of this world will once again start to chuck its rubbish out of car windows. Actually to make the point one such creature threw a Greggs paper cup from its car on the verge having just weaved its way through the team.

Apart from the usual volunteers a couple in their 80’s, Mary and Peter Rowse joined the team. With 249 residents in Burghwallis it is perhaps a sad reflection that 239 believe it is up to others to complete the exercise. Still perhaps they all will enjoy the clear verges as they drive through the village.
The litter collection team would like to thank Brenda (vice chair of the parish council ) for organising the event and the following collections.

Thanks to ;
- The 5 per cent of drivers who slowed as they passed the team. The vast majority, however, shot past at 60 mph. You don’t know how scary that is to the team. One guy; black BMW weaved in and out of the team on the verges without slowing at all.
- The farmer who stopped to pass on his thanks, we think. He used an amazing amount of Anglo Saxon expressions and loosely translated we believe he was indicating his intentions as to what should be inflicted on litter louts
- The cyclist who stopped to offer their thanks
- The lady from North Lincolnshire who advised the problem is endemic in Lincolnshire.
- The builder who drove along Abbe’s Walk chucking block paving bricks as he or she went.
- The previous owner of the bouncy castle that was excess to requirements.
- The prior owner of a front door.
- And some joiners who have borrowed most of the safety fencing over the brook along Abbe’s Walk.

In all 30 bags of rubbish were picked up and eight piles of collected junk heaped into piles ready for collection. But then some beneficial reverse fly tipping. A tarmac gang had deposited some cooling tarmac in a large rut in passing point.