The wheels on our buses will continue to go round. Route 51 and 51A have been cleared to continue for another year to September 2019.
Good news for local residents who use the service as a lifeline. And contrary to the many tales of cancelled bus routes in other areas of the country. All we need to do is to continue to prove the usefulness of the service by using it!
On the other hand we have the Northern Train service from Adwick to Donny, Sheffield and Leeds. I use term ‘service’ loosely at the moment. They are on strike every saturday in September!
And the new ticket machine on the platform is proving a tribute to technology. After two months it is still settling in. The IT guys have yet to get this marvel to issue tickets to anyone using a SY bus pass. Apparently it had a good try last Wednesday; for two hours it burbled and clattered along printing tickets with abandon, then the elastic went again and it awaits the fixits to visit.
To make matters worse big new notices tell you if you don’t have a credit card you can pay on the train in cash. BUT you’ve got to print a ‘promise to pay ticket’ from the ticket machine in advance and give this to the train conductor. Except, now wait on ……this doesn’t work at the moment either.
And the better news; they are shortly going to relocate the ticket machine to the platform. So you can struggle with technology and do battle with it in the rain, wind or with the sun shinning straight down on the screen. You know the drill.
Great news that Robin Hood Doncaster Sheffield International Airport has been awarded a certificate stating it is the best airport in the UK. Another certificate was to be awarded for the airport with the longest name but they ran out of paper. Actually on this point they have now shortened the name to ‘Doncaster Sheffield Airport’ with the code airport code DSA. Robin Hood has been sacked. This works well in our abbreviated life styles except for those of us who still refer to it as Finningley Airport. Some names stick eh? In the same way that ‘Dario’s’ will always be the name of the pub at the end of Abbe’s Walk, which used to be Common Lane except everyone in Burghwallis knew it as Mile lane…..are you keeping up here, there are questions at the end!