Despite being a relatively small parish, with 249 residents, Burghwallis has quite a few unsung heroes in their midst.
During 2016 a number of people from the village and beyond stepped up to the plate to make their mark in the community. The list is in no particular order:
Don Axon
Ex SAS veteran who with Ben Parkinson used his 80th birthday to raise over £900 for injured, amputees and local veterans in all the armed forces.
Val, Moravian and Malcolm
Who received the Award of Local Community Heroes from ASDA, Carcroft in recognition of their organisation of the fortnightly Monday Luncheon Club at the Burghwallis Pub for elderly members of the parish and wider area to be part of a large social event.
Paul Brown
Awarded the British Empire Medal in the Queens birthday honours list for services to the South Yorkshire police force.
Heinz & Joyce Offermann
For their unstinting dedication all year round in tending the War Memorial
Mike and Sharon Hammerton
Who organised the monthly lunch club for parishioners of St Helen’s
Sally Shenton of the Burghwallis pub
Who supported the many events throughout the year and allowed the pub to be also the “village hall.” Sally has been awarded a further 3 year tenure on the pub and promised her continued support to the village.
The Village Volunteers
Who helped in the following activities to enhance the village:
- Planted 1000 daffodil bulbs around the village
- Installed a new extra bench and repainted the existing benches and goal posts in the Playing Field
- Repaired the bench on Grange Lane
- The marathon litter picking session along Abbe’s Walk in March collecting 32 bags of rubbish.
- Trimmed blackberry bushes in the playing field to allow clear access from the farm gate
- Planted 200 additional sapling along Scorcher Hill Lane to the 450 planted the year before.
- Cleared the church yard of undergrowth.
- Planted wild flower seeds in the playing field.
- The old Well at the top of the Pinfold has been rebuilt in natural stone with the help of local resident, Mr Brian Bennett. Volunteers also laid 2 tons of green slate to tidy the area to make it easier to manage.
Clean for the Queen Campaign
The 32 volunteers from both the village and outside who in a period of two hours collected 87 bags of rubbish from the hedgerows of Burghwallis
The Events committee volunteers
That organised the “Fun Day” in Squirrel Wood in August
Tour de Yorkshire
To celebrate this occasion 4 bikes were painted yellow and placed strategically around the village in support of the event.
The Queen’s birthday
Which had special relevance as the flagpole on the Burghwallis War Memorial was repainted to allow the Union Jack to be raised by two war veterans from the village to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday.
Village Flag
A new village flag was designed and erected on the War Memorial. As a mark of respect in the event of any parishioners passing away, the flag will fly at half mast.
Parish Councillors
Who organised annual festivities and teams of volunteers in numerous village activities.
Organised the senior citizens annual Christmas lunch in the Burghwallis pub.
Provided a Christmas tree on the War Memorial
Installed the Plague Well Plaque along Abbe’s Walk,
Lobbied parliament, the Mayor, DMBC and South Yorkshire Bus Services to re-instate and greatly improve the bus service through our village.
Neighbourhood Plan Working Group
That compiled one of the “best reports” seen by the external examiner and gained overwhelming acceptance of the plan in the October referendum.
A massive thank you for your help and a healthy and Happy New Year