Clean for The Queen is a campaign to clear up Britain in time for Her Majesty the Queen’s 90th birthday, which will be officially celebrated in June 2016.
When she came to the throne litter was not the problem that it is today. Food packaging, plastic bottles, takeaway meals and cigarette butts have all contributed to a growing menace that affects our wildlife, streets, countryside and sense of pride. What better way could we show our gratitude to Her Majesty than to clean up our country?
We are calling on individuals to do their bit.
You can take part in our Clean for The Queen event on Saturday 5 March 2016 at 10.30 am.
- Clean For The Queen 5 March 2016
- A village clean up of litter along the five roads leading to (and indeed from) Burghwallis:
- Abbe’s Walk
- Grange Lane
- Burghwallis Lane
- Burghwallis Road
- Scorcher Hills Lane
- We need as many people as possible to volunteer.
- Teams of six to eight people can complete the exercise along each road in roughly one hour – depending on the Bogans.* Not a bad return for 90 years of the Royal reign.
- Assemble at the Burghwallis pub car park at 10:30 am. Bring a pair of gardening gloves.
- If you have a fluorescent jacket all the better.
- You will be equipped with a litter picker and a black bin bag.
- And if you get fed at the end! The Parish Council are giving all volunteers a pie and peas feed at the end in the Burghwallis pub.
- Please ring 01302 725998 to register your interest.
- You may have seen recent clear ups as a practice run and wonder what would be left to pick on the day. Rest assured the Bogans* living in the area are a dedicated bunch of misfits and will donate more rubbish in the hedge rows leading to Burghwallis.
* Bogan – Australian term for an uncouth or unsophisticated person, regarded as being of low social status.